Scientists found some sugars in meteorites that crashed into earth billions of years ago. The sugars they found were arabinose, xylose, and ribose. Alien life theory gets some credibility because of this find.
CNN reported the news from a group pf NASA scientists. They had researched some meteorites that had fallen to the earth many years ago. The result is that the rock from space held some compounds that can form life. This discovery is important when the implications are considered, are we not alone after all in the universe?
Asteroids cause the formation of meteorites that then fall to earth. The chemical reactions are speculated to be able to cause life.
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On Monday, the scientists researched the meteorites. They used a different approach during this process. Unlike others before them, they made use of hydrochloric acid and water. Ribose plays are important in human biology. It is in our RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules and is also responsible for delivering messages from our DNA to help build proteins for our bodies.
Since RNA has long been considered fragile, it is surprising that it exists in something so ancient. They report that they have not found DNA yet. This new find makes scientists reconsider that RNA might be more important than DNA.
The lead author of the study, Yoshihiro Furukawa of Japan’s Tohoku University said in the press release:
“The extraterrestrial sugar might have contributed to the formation of RNA on the prebiotic Earth which possibly led to the origin of life.”
Although some suggest that the earth itself might have caused the presence of sugar in the meteorite, the researchers say it is not likely. The next step is to investigate the quantity of the sugar present and if it could really be the source of life on earth. Are we alone? Keep up with the science world with us.