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Simple Guidelines To Help You Achieve Your New Year Resolutions

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It is the second day of the new year, and usually, people come up with their new year resolutions. These resolutions are decisions or goals one intends to achieve in the new year.


Some just make these plans and do nothing to achieve them. A few weeks into the month of January, they can’t even remember their new year resolutions.


Here are simple guidelines to help you achieve your new year resolutions.


1. Write them down

Simple Guidelines To Help You Achieve Your New Year Resolutions


You will hardly forget anything you write down. As the saying goes, “the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory”. Having your goals in a sheet of paper will enable you to go over them again and again. Also, you can fall back to what you have written to see if you are still on track all through the year.


2. Set short and long term goals

Simple Guidelines To Help You Achieve Your New Year Resolutions


You don’t have to push yourself so hard, so set both short term and long term goals. Your short term goal, for example, may be getting a certificate course in your profession before the first quarter of the year. However, your long term goal may be getting a car before the end of the year. That way, you can start saving towards it.


3. Have a mentor

Simple Guidelines To Help You Achieve Your New Year Resolutions


As the saying goes, “no man is an island”. Have someone who you can feel accountable to. A parent, older sibling, friend or a colleague can act as a mentor.


A mentor should be someone you respect. Such a person should be someone who will check up on you on from time to time to see if you are on track with your goals. Also, you can talk to  them when you are at your breaking point to give you that much-needed motivation to kickback.


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4. Be disciplined

Simple Guidelines To Help You Achieve Your New Year Resolutions


You had goals in 2019 and the year went away, yet you did nothing. This is 2020 and, if you fail to achieve your goals, you only have yourself to blame. Concentrate on your goals, avoid procrastination, and do whatever you have to do on time. Mobilise people if you can afford to; that is a division of labour. The aim is to achieve that goal.


5. Be open-minded


Sometimes, things don’t turn out the way we planned. Always go out with that positive mindset that eventually everything will turn out for your good. See every disappointment as a blessing in disguise. Ensure you are happy and give no room to be downcast. You need positive energy to pull through 2020. So be ready for the good and not-so-good moments.


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