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Six Memorable Ways To Celebrate International Women’s Day

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Women all over the world are making a difference and becoming life changers. Today, being International Women’s Day (IWD), we celebrate women for their economic, social, political and cultural contributions and achievements, and also advocate for gender equality.

This year, the IWD theme is Balance For Better, which encourages everyone across the world to work towards a more gender-balanced society.

Women deserve to be celebrated at every point in their lives. While there are many historical reasons why women should be celebrated, you probably just want to know how to celebrate this day.

Because this unique day is not declared a public holiday in many parts of the world, it is easily forgotten by some. However, there are people who know how much this day means and cannot let it go by without getting a treat. It is a perfect time to treat yourself to something nice or buy one for a woman you care about. Here are eight memorable ways to celebrate International Women’s Day:

1. Go on a date with your mom

You don’t want to look back years later and realise that you never did have that much time to spend with your mom. Why? Life happened. Getting older means more responsibility, and you just seem to get carried away in the life waves of your work, career or relationship. You might steal some moments with her when you call or visit, but there’s no day like today to take out time to be with her at home, out for a movie or lunch date.

2. Take yourself out

Stop fretting all the time and take a calming breath of total self-indulgence. You deserve it. After going through all the cat-calling, esteem degrading and stress-increasing experiences women face every day, it’s time for you to spoil yourself. Play a relaxing tune in the office to serenade yourself. If anyone questions you, flash the “It’s my day” card. And it’s indeed your day – your International Women’s Day. If you can, visit an exotic location, a five-star restaurant, treat yourself to a candlelight dinner or take some lovely pictures.

3. Show some support

Women’s Day is synonymous for women empowerment, so while you’re congratulating yourself and every woman, remember to support a movement like one on gender equality or education for the girl child. You can also do this by attending a women’s day event. This period is always busy with events happening in one part of the city or the other. Locate one close to you and attend.

There are women who have no idea what the 8th of March is about because they have more pressing problems to deal with — like where to lay their heads at night. Reach out to the homeless on this day and give out something they would cherish. You can give a gift, money or even a home they can live in. This would certainly put a smile on your face.

4. Hangout with friends

Take time out to go on a therapeutic shopping with your girls. Go on a ‘Girls gone wild’ shopping’ that would have heads turn contemplating your sanity status. You’ve spends the past months stressed out over the littlest things and now you need a break from all the tension. Just let loose and laugh out while you enjoy your time out with the girls.

5. Write a heartfelt letter

It might seem like words have lost their meaning and letters have become ancient, but a well thought out handwritten letter still does its magic. You can either write a letter to yourself expressing how much you love and appreciate yourself, or you write a letter to others. If you’re lost for words, there are International Women’s Day quotes that can help you kick off. Typing your words can also be a more modern approach if you’re penmanship needs some angelic touch.

6. Accomplish something

What better way to remember this day for the rest of the year than to accomplish something. Think about that thing you’ve always wanted to achieve and just do it. Don’t procrastinate. Make today the day you do whatever it is you’ve always wanted to do. It could be climbing a mountain or starting a business. Just do it.

Remember to make this day as memorable as possible because it only comes once a year.

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