Sleep can never be overrated when considered in regards to its health benefits. When you lose sleep, it tends to affect you in more ways than you can imagine. This is why many would rather dig into the pills than lose sleep for any reason.
Still, rather than popping pills every night to feel well rested, you should choose a healthier option. There’s nothing great about drinking several cups of coffee every day to wire up your brain into waking up after a tough night. Therefore, choose a safer route that would not only benefit your health status but will also make you feel fuller as well.
There’s one thing mothers were always quick to give their kids when they couldn’t get a quick shut-eye. That’s milk! Milk was always the way to Dreamland while growing up. The calcium in milk helps your brain use the tryptophan to make melatonin. This is the chemical that tells your body to chill out and rest. So, it isn’t just a myth but a fact that milk does help you go to sleep.
As adults, milk may just not cut it because the brain may have learnt to fight back. For that stubborn mind that refuses to rest at night, there are other food options you can fill your belly with, after which you would catch a good night’s sleep.
Foods that will help you sleep better
1. Cherries
These can be gotten at any supermarket and are not only popular because of their deliciousness, but also their benefits. Cherry is a great natural source of melatonin which helps you get a good shut-eye for longer. They also add to the tryptophan and serotonin which aid deeper sleep. They can be consumed in a variety of ways. It can be juiced and drank daily, and can also be added to yoghurt or oat.
2. Bananas
They contain tryptophan, an amino acid that aids your body in producing serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for regulating sleep in your body. Bananas are also a great source of potassium and magnesium which help your body’s muscles to relax. So, if you’re a regular banana consumer, you should consider adding it to your dinner to aid sleep.
3. Turkey
These are also a great source of tryptophan and can help you sleep better. However, ensure you don’t overdo the turkey munching by eating too much or too late at night.
4. Potatoes
They are a fantastic source of potassium, calcium, B6, magnesium and fibre. Magnesium helps to regulate melatonin and quiets the nervous system. On the other hand, potassium helps to relax your muscles. They, therefore, ensure your body is in snooze mode the moment you eat potatoes. You can eat your potato in many ways like chips, as bread, baked or boiled. The best way to enjoy the potassium benefit is to eat it with the skin.
5. Avocado
They provide 10% of your potassium needs and leave you filling full and healthy. You can enjoy them alone or on a piece of toast. Other sources of potassium include beans, leafy greens and prunes.
6. Vitamin C
One source of vitamin C is orange. When you are deficient of vitamin C, one sign is sleep deprivation. So, the best way to get back your sleep is to take in vitamin C through oranges, grapefruit and other sources. Whenever you stay awake at night or struggle with restless leg syndrome, your answer might be a source of vitamin C away.