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Ten Important Period Facts Every Woman Should Know

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Just when you think you know it all, someone comes knocking with period facts.


That’s right! There are things about your period you probably don’t know about. Sure, you finally figured out how to use a pad properly. Or you discovered that if a boy touches you or comes near you while on your period, you won’t get pregnant. There are lots of things experience teaches about life, but not many people go searching for period facts. This is why we’ve compiled all the bloody important things you need to know.




Don’t worry, it won’t be yucky.


Knowing more about what happens to your body during your monthly cycle would help you to know that there is no cause for alarm. It’s true that your body can give a warning when there’s something wrong through the menstrual flow, but there are some things that are quite normal. For instance, the often accompanying cramps, tender breasts and acne are normal. You may also panic about the colour of your blood, but here’s what your period really says about your health.


What you may not know is that you can actually skip your period voluntarily. Or that you can use a menstrual cup instead of a tampon or pad. For a knowledge update, here are important period facts every woman needs to know.


Ten important period facts every woman should know

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