What better way to find success than to identify those unsuccessful things you should never do. Success, they say, is subjective and depends on what you determine it to be. It could be your family or how high you climb the ladder of your career. It could also encompass everything from work, to family and your personal achievements.
Whatever success means to you, ensure to avoid certain things for you to thrive in your path to success. For many who can’t lay claim to any achievement, they are prone to some habits. These habits contribute to the lack of progress in their endeavours.
The truth is that time indeed waits for no man, but you can manage yours. What you do with your time can determine where you reach on your success scale.
So, where could you possibly go wrong on that scale if you actually work on weekdays? Also, if you spare some time to socialise after working hours, and even spend time with your family, where could you go wrong?
For as much as we like to plan the weekdays, the weekends just seem like a time to slack off. This is the area where some could go wrong. When you’re not mindful of how you spend your weekend by planning it as well as you can your weekdays, you can affect the rest of the week completely.
Sure, you can decide you want to play all weekend; that could be the plan. However, the key word here is planning. When you don’t do that, you will impact your whole week negatively.
Here are ways you may or may not have done.
Things to do to be unsuccessful
1. Not planning
As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you will plan to fail. You don’t necessarily need to have a second-by-second schedule outlined, but you should have a general idea of how you want your weekend to pan out.
2. Ignoring your loved ones
When you fail to plan, you can easily neglect the ones that matter. You should remember your loved ones and ensure to spend some time with them.
3. Oversleeping
It’s normal for you to want to sleep well since you practically worked almost all week. Still, you shouldn’t sleep too much. It can mess up your sleep cycle and make you too reluctant to wake up on a Monday morning. Therefore, sleep well but don’t oversleep.
4. Never relaxing
There are slackers who just spend the entire weekend in bed, and that’s not just unhealthy but a ticket to the unsuccessful villa. You should never forget to unwind even if all you do is watch a film with some friends, or just chat the day away. Do what makes you happy.
5. Overspending
What’s the point of saving when at the end of the week you spend like there’s no tomorrow? This is where planning comes in. You should plan what you intend to spend for the weekend and stick to it.
6. Not reflecting
Remember to reflect on all you’ve achieved in the past week to see where you can be better in the next one. Go to your drawing board and create an achievable plan. The best time to do this is on Sunday night. You should plan for the week ahead, taking note of all you wish to accomplish as well.