What do they say about problems again? A problem shared is a problem half solved. That’s right, but here’s a new technique for you when resolving problems.
It has become so easy to just up and quit when the going gets tough. The question is, what happens after that? Giving up is a huge decision on its own, and only a few know of this.
For instance, an up-and-about man with a great job and a working routine suddenly finds himself in a tight corner. He isn’t used to such circumstances and has no clue on how to manoeuver his way around of it.
If he sits down for just a minute and weighs his options, he would probably come up with a solution. However, as the case may be, our case study chooses the lazy man’s way: ‘to give up’.
Dropping everything and resolving to do nothing seems like the likely choice in some situations. Getting yourself to take a long and infinite break seems like the best thing to do. Unfortunately, you’re still working yourself up in another self-made tight corner without realising it.
Steps to take in resolving problems easily
Your problem may seem too big to resolve, but there is absolutely nothing new under the sun. No matter what the problem is, these tips will prove helpful to you in one way or the other.
1. Define the problem
Sit yourself down in a quiet place. This can be in the restroom, a quiet restaurant, or even your closet. Get a notepad and a pen if you’re new to meditating. However, meditating is the best measure to take when trying to get your thoughts straightened out. You’re probably at the point of screaming, weeping and even tearing your hair out. I implore you to STOP whatever it is your heart is telling you to do and define your problem. Write everything that’s troubling you.
2. Classify the problem
The best classes of problems are urgent and mild. If most of the problems fall under the mild category, then you’ll get back to it. But if the former is the case, then you need to address it. How great would your life be if someone could just take that list and solve everything for you? Words can’t probably describe the feeling. Also, you need to make certain estimations, How soon must the problem be resolved? What would happen to you if it isn’t resolved? Will the problems jump from the paper and attack you? Can the problem walk up to you and kill you if you don’t kill yourself first with worry?
3. Don’t attack yourself
Why worry when you can simply be happy? Think back to 5 years ago and ask yourself if you were problem free. Probably not. You didn’t die, did you? You still resolved them and are still alive today to tell the story. Your break is almost up, so take a deep breath, in and out. Squeeze your paper of worry with so much rigour. Get up your bottom and remind yourself that your worry could be the end of you before your problem is.