As a young person probably in your first house, home is most likely just a bare minimum space in which to throw yourself and go to sleep after a long, hard day of work. Living in a space without personality has effects on our minds that we usually do not consider. For one, you are basically a stranger in your own home. You’ll also not live as optimally as you should if your space does not spark joy.
Here are a few tips for infusing your personality with your space and turning your house into a home.
1. Display your memories
Hang up your favourite pictures from your childhood, a vacation you went on, your service year, a picture of your bae, or whatever you want. Anything you remember fondly should be displayed. This creates a warm feeling of familiarity and homeliness.
2. Show off your hobbies
If you play the guitar, consider using it as a wall decoration. If you’re into sports, show off your balls. You can even decorate your home with your book collection if you love to read. Adding elements of yourself and what you love to do makes it a lot more you.
3. Keep it clean
Dirt blocks the flow of energy in your space and dampens your mood. So don’t wait for dir to build up before you clean up your home. Keeping your home nice and neat will make you more comfortable and happy to be there. One good rule of thumb is to do a 15-minute cleanup on weekdays and then clean like your mother is coming over on the weekends.
4. Keep it orderly
Order simply means a place for everything and everything in its place. When you come home, don’t just throw your things around the house. Assign a spot for your keys, your laundry, and everything else you own, and keep them there. It will save you the time and energy you spend looking for your stuff all the time and make your home a lot more livable.
5. Create a relaxation zone
Carve out a space in your home that is strictly for relaxation. Get either a lounge chair, a pouf, or even a mat where you can just relax, recharge, and meditate. The space should be a tech-free zone and must be well-ventilated. This space should also NOT be your bed.
6. Spend less time in bed
Like your relaxation zone, your bed should also be a tech-free zone. In fact, try to reserve your bed for sleeping and s*xual activity. this programs your brain to automatically relax when you get in bed, leading to better sleep habits, more energy and a healthier life.
7. Add some life
Another tip for making your house into a home is adding plants. Plants encourage you to let more light into your home and become more nurturing. They even serve as functional decor by purifying the air and adding more colour to your home.
That’s it for our tips. The best part about this is that you can incorporate these tips into your home for little to no money at all! Enjoy.