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The United States Temporarily Loosens Restrictions On Huawei

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The United States Commerce Department created a general license to loosen the initially imposed restrictions on Huawei. The organisation did this on Monday, 20th May 2019. The licence will temporarily permit Huawei to provide software updates and maintain existing networks on already existing Huawei mobile devices.


The United States initially imposed a restriction last week on Huawei making purchases from US tech companies. This had caused Google to withdraw access to major updates on future Huawei smartphones. However, this new 90-day licence, posted for public inspection, will last until 19th August.


Chinese Telecommunication giants, Huawei was added to an entity list that blacklisted the company from buying tech parts from US companies with the American government approval. Google promptly suspended certain businesses with the company, giving them access to only open-source licensing tech services.


This would mean that people who have Huawei smartphones with Google app will have access to continue to use and download updates from the Play store.


US places restrictions on Huawei


Meanwhile, this new temporary license to raise restrictions will mean that Huawei can maintain some already existing cell phone networks. The company can also provide software updates for its smartphone users in America. Even though Huawei is the second-largest phone maker in the world, it has not been able to fully infiltrate the American market. This is largely because it was unable to find a network provider to effectively partner with.


So far, major US tech product suppliers have cut off ties with the Chinese company.

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