Talk show host Wendy Williams was her own “Hot Topic” on her daytime show on Monday. She discussed news about her divorce from Kevin Hunter after their over 20 year-long marriage. She had filed for a divorce over a week ago in New Jersey but had deferred from making any comment.
The “Hot Topic” segment is an avenue for discussing hot news about celebs and their private lives. Also, a motto was coined out for this segment, “Their business is our business.”
On the Monday show, she jokingly pointed out, “It’s crazy ’cause now my business is your business. It’s kind of funny. Turnabout’s a fair game, I get it.”
Watch the “Hot Topics” video below
The show host doesn’t really talk about her divorce, but about life being in the sober house. Also, she shares about her alcohol addiction and how she’ll be moving out of the sober house soon. She talks about her battle to maintain said sobriety.
William says,
“Believe me you lay in a room with no TV and four grey walls all day and no telephone at your ready. This is my life in the sober house. It’s one of the best things, honestly, that could have ever happened to me.”
However, she also speaks about how some girlfriends, including two who act as her sober coaches, came over to support her.
In addition, she discusses how,
“You wear a different mask when you’re out here. Everybody has things in their life that they’re embarrassed to share the world, or they’re frightened to share with the world, or they’re not ready to share with the world. Addressing my sobriety, my addiction, head-on has really helped me sort out every single compartment of my life.”
Wendy Williams talks about how she has “a whole new life that I planned for myself and my son,” Kevin Jr.