WhatsApp recently updated its business-themed app, to shorten communication time between customers. The Facebook-owned company is adding new ways for businesses to communicate with their customers.
The company announced these features on Wednesday during Facebook’s F8 Refresh.
This update enables businesses whether medium or large to have customer conversations on WhatsApp. WhatsApp announced that it observed how periodic updates from health institutions have helped in responding to the pandemic and they assist to design a similar service available for more types of conversations.
Concurrently, WhatsApp is churning out a way for businesses to display a menu of 10 message options from which customers can pick a response. This will enable them to make quick replies without typing, quick and easy.
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There would also reply buttons with up to three options customers can click with just a tap. This ensures a lot of automation and ease of business to potential customers, reducing response time and using speedy responses.
WhatsApp is positioning itself to be the preferred social media outlet for small and medium businesses, to reach customers and conduct business. With loads of options released these last few months, including catalog management through WhatsApp web and desktop.
A shopping button was added to the app last year to give customers insights into what businesses sold through the app. Today, WhatsApp is reported to have more than 2 billion monthly active users globally.
Are you a business owner? An entrepreneur? Do you use WhatsApp Business to automate your sales? Reaching out to your customers?
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