Reports from WABetainfo say WhatsApp is currently testing a newer voice call interface on its iOS beta platform. The Meta owned company has been updating the communications app with a slew of updates these past months.
It currently has the option to preview voice notes before sending them. The messaging company now allows users to check how they sound before hitting the send button.
This update is already rolling out across all platforms including iOS, Web, Android and desktop. Users can now preview their voice notes before sending them by hitting the triangular play icon or simply delete them with the trash can icon.
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The very latest voice call interface testing will soon be avaiable on the future beta versions of Andriod and iOS. Here’s the differences between the old and new voice cal interface.
The New interface has better colours, simpler and looks better. WhatsApp has made alot od cahnges to the voice cal option this year. The company has revamped it to include a “Tap and join ” option, exit and re-entry and the option to decline.
One of the recent updates to voice notes is WhatsApp’s Waveform Voice. The Waveform feature replaced the already existing line graphics. Users can also adjust the playback speeds for audio files and voice notes.
The option to be able to preview voice notes is a welcoming addition and shows how serious the company is paying attention to the tool. We can expect more updates from WhatsApp in the coming months as it moves to maintain its lead.
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