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WhatsApp Is Now Available On KaiOS Feature Phones

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The operating system used by feature phones like the remake of Nokia 8110 and JioPhone, KaiOS, now has an official WhatsApp application. People using phones on the KaiOS can now download the app from their KaiStore.


***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***


WhatsApp will also come preinstalled on some selected KaiOS devices with 256 or 512MB RAM later this year. This version of the messaging app will be similar to that on other operating systems. It will have support for calling, messaging and end-to-end encryption.



A few phones operating the KaiOS had access to WhatsApp from the beginning of the year 2019. The app then came to JioPhone mobiles, which also runs the OS in 2018. It was available to the Nokia 8110 in other countries like India before now. However, WhatsApp will now be available worldwide on the KaiOS to seven other devices. They are the Nokia 8110, Cat B35, Doro 7060, JioPhone, JioPhone 2, Orange Sanza and the MTN Smart.


MTN Smart


Messaging features for low-end phones

The Nokia 8110 is not a smartphone and would normally not have access to social media apps. It is a smartphone that sticks to the basics, but having WhatsApp on it will probably make it even more useful for messaging. It also boasts of having a 25-day standby battery life.


The KaiOS is a simple Operating System available to only a few feature phones. The idea of the Operating System was first birthed by Firefox who wanted to start its own phone OS at the time. It has since gotten attention from Google and even now has a Google Assistant voice-typing feature.

Nokia 8110

This is great because people using low-end phones in developing countries will now be able to take advantage of WhatsApp features. It is also great marketing for these phones as having the app will convince more people to get the phone.

Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.

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