How much do you know about org*sms besides the fact that they feel good? If you have a healthy s*xual relationship with your partner, then you would know what this feels like. It’s that feeling of intense s*xual pleasure that happens during s*xual activity. It’s otherwise called climaxing. Yet, there are people who don’t actually climax.
No matter how many times they try to copulate with their partner, they don’t reach that intensity. It’s amazing, but the lack of active s*x in a relationship could cause partners to drift. While it’s good to talk about it with your partner, you should also be willing to find a solution.
Everyone seems to want in on that s*xual high and, when this doesn’t occur, it causes a big question mark. For a couple who wants to build their s*xual relationship but yet lack that org*sm experience, this could be the cause.
Why you might not be having an org*sm
One major cause for the lack of org*sms during s*x is stress. There are many signs that tell when you’re too stressed. Some notice these signs and ignore; others are too used to being in this state to notice it. Stress could be either mental or physical, and this could tell on your libido. Effects of stress include but are not limited to the following:
- Difficulty waking up in the morning.
- Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.
- Relying on caffeine and/or sweets to keep you going.
- Light-headedness.
- Depression.
- Getting sick easily, or low immunity.
You would much rather manage that stress than your libido, wouldn’t you?
How to have more org*sms
When stress gets you down, you get stress down too. You should get yourself out of the rut fast, and it’s easy to do so. Destress easily by following these tips.
- Take s*x drive-boosting supplements.
- Add natural aphrodisiacs to your diet with quick and easy recipes.
- Hold off on using a vibrator, please! This might erase all the benefits of getting a full blown out org*sm for some people. However, it helps others to spice up their s*x life.
- Get more active and stop sitting all day.
- Avoid taking birth control pills as this decreases your libido and lowers the frequency and intensity of your org*sm.
- Technology, be gone! Get rid of that distracting piece of technology, and focus on your partner.
Why you need more org*sms in your life
There are more health benefits to org*sms than you realise, and we know them all. Sure, they feel good, but they are actually good for you? Here are the benefits of org*sms.