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Why You Should Wait Longer To Have Kids

There’s no bond more precious than that of a mother and her child. But there are some strong reasons why you might want to hold on to your birth control for a little longer. We have all heard stories of the risks of having kids at a later age, but there are strong reasons why that might not necessarily be a bad thing. Here are some facts to show that it is better to wait to have kids.


***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***


1. Financial stability

Children cost a lot to raise. With school fees prices soaring and the economy at an all-time low, it would be best to wait until you are more financially capable before you decide to give birth. Raising a child is a huge responsibility. You have to be ready to carry it. Mothers that have their kids later have usually had more time to build their careers and learn to manage money.

why you should wait to have kids
Photo: Pexel
2. Maturity

Age usually comes with experience and emotional maturity, which are both needed in raising a child. You gain a lot of fortitude after life has shown you small pepper. That strength you gain will help you keep your cool when you become a parent. You will be less overwhelmed by the responsibilities and antics that come with having a child.

why you should wait to have kids
Photo: Maria Badasian/Unsplash
3. Health

Contrary to popular opinion, having children at a later age is not all bad for your health. Older mothers have higher energy, better fitness, and fewer aches and pains. To add to that, studies show that mothers that have their last child after 35 are more likely to live up to the age of 95.

why you should wait to have kids
Photo: Yandex
4. Fertility

Although women are most fertile in their early 20s, they are more likely to have twins if they wait till their 30s. This is because the older they get, the more FSH they release. This increases the likelihood of two eggs being released during ovulation, meaning twins. So if you want twins, it would be better to wait a couple of years.

why you should wait to have kids
Photo: Yandex
5. Healthier kids

The health of the baby is also better when the mother is above 30. Children of older mothers go on to have fewer cases of obesity and fewer emotional and behavioral issues than those of mothers that gave birth before 25. The children might even be taller.

why you should wait
Photo: Dazzle Jam/Pexels
6. Smarter kids

It has also been proven that children of older mothers have higher IQs and excel in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. The kids could even develop better vocabulary, but this is largely due to the improved vocabulary of older mothers. You’ll have a lot more to teach them if you know a lot more yourself.

Photo: Marius Tuyishime/Pexels
7. No regrets

Having kids changes your life forever. Most mothers won’t admit it, but they either regret having kids too soon or having kids altogether. But if you wait, you will have more time to decide if it is really what you want for yourself. Until you do that, keep your birth control on lock.

Photo: Pixabay
8. No FOMO

A lot of mothers are unhappy about all the stuff they’re missing out on because of the kids. But if you already lived your life to the max, you don’t have that fear of missing out. You’ll be a better parent if you have no reason to be resentful. You’ll love your kids more instead of seeing them as a hindrance to your flexing. They will definitely be better off with a hot flexing mama!

why you should wait to have kids
Photo: Nick Owuor via Unsplash

You would want to have kids later, but not too late. There is a sweet spot for having kids that ensures the healthiest and happiest babies. That sweet spot is between the ages of 27 and 34. So do yourself and your baby a favor and wait a while. Happy mummy = happy baby.

Still on the topic of motherhood, check out what Serena Williams is doing to help mums everywhere.

Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.

Tokoni Akosubo

Tokoni is a content writer and screenwriter who is passionate about stories and social issues. When she's not tapping away at her keyboard, she's a committed foodie with an eye for style and interior decor.

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