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Will A Change To Whatsapp And Instagram’s Name Change Anything?

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Some statistics have suggested that WhatsApp is the most popular chatting app in the world. According to data from Statista, an estimated 1.6 billion people use the app monthly. WhatsApp has seen a lot of changes since it was acquired by Facebook back in 2014.

In early 2019, Facebook announced plans to integrate WhatsApp with Instagram and Facebook Messenger. This feature would mean that people can send messages to someone on Instagram from Facebook Messenger and vice versa.

***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***

Meanwhile, the change being introduced right now may not be welcomed with open arms. Reports suggest that Facebook is Planning to rebrand both WhatsApp and Instagram.

The social network giants want to incorporate Facebook into the names of the apps. WhatsApp will now be changed to “WhatsApp from Facebook” and Instagram to “Instagram from Facebook.”
A spokesperson from the Facebook company said the company was doing this to make it clear what products and services were part of Facebook.

WhatsApp Facebook Instagram

They added that the name WhatsApp will remain the same on the phone app. However, the branding “WhatsApp from Facebook” will be on the Google Play Store and the App Store from Apple.

However, it is very likely that the opening screen on WhatsApp will carry the new name. It is yet to be stated when this new name will be incorporated into the app and app stores.

Meanwhile, it will be interesting to see how this will affect users. This is also coming at a time when Facebook is being urged to split. Regulators are asking that the company delves some of its powers. The company CEO, Mark Zuckerberg at some point looked to be acquiring all the social media networks.

What do you think about this change?


ALSO READ: Facebook Bans Some Propaganda Accounts Linked To Saudi Arabia


Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.

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